Sun 7/7/2013 3:12 PM
Hi Darryl and Miguel:
The ceiling, sink in the men’s room, and toilet top in the ladies’ room look great!  Miguel is a miracle-worker!
If the DYFS people aren’t impressed, they have a problem.
Thanks to both for expediting this.

Hi Miguel,


As I looked around our home today I just can't believe how many projects you

have done for us.  It's always a pleasure to call you because you respond right

away.  After telling you the problem you will say I'll take care of it.  For me it is a

great relief to know someone like you who is so knowledgeable about home

improvements and caring for their customer.

In our home you are known as "Mr Fix It". I personally want to "Thank You" for

your outstanding work and also for being so trustworthy.  I hope more people will

come to use your service.



Gene S. Bilz